Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stress Relief

Well I have litterally been the worst horse owner EVER this past month. I'm ashamed to even admit any of this. Poor Cheyenne has had her paddock cleaned about once a week this past month. I've only made it out twice per week when she's been lucky & usually only for a few minutes. I don't think I've actually worked/ridden her/let her stretch her poor cramped legs once in all of April. There, I said it... but I'm not proud! School has literally taken my entire life, chomped it up, ingested in, then took a big steaming pile of $h!t in the place where my free time once was. (sorry for the vulgar image... just how I'm feeling right now)

On the bright side in a week Cheyenne will be a mere 13 minutes from me on weekdays & 7 minutes on the weekends! SHE of course will remain at the same location, I will be the one shifting resulting in the travel time discrepancies. I am super bummed to be leaving all of my amazing barn buddies! They have become some of my best friends! Nothing brings people together quite like bonding over poop scooping, cranky ponies, & horse emergencies!

On the flip side though the woman who owns the new barn is so nice also! I was VERY concerned because Cheyenne has taken to eating wood recently. The woman mentioned she had to ask another boarder to leave because her horse was a wood eater. So I was terrified this would become a huge issue! When I called her today & mentioned the new habit she said not to worry! That she was sure it would subside with lots of room to roam, plenty of hay & new friends. I pray she's right! I think it's a combination of boredom & peer pressure (her next door neighbor is a BIG time cribber, poor guy has NO TEETH left!) I told her I bought her a grazing muzzle in case the issue continues & she was so sweet & told me not to worry about it & everything would work out fine. She's not worried, I'm not worried. I do hope she quits this nasty habit soon though!

So next Saturday she'll be at her new home. It's a perfect opportunity for a new beginning. I feel like we made progress, then it all just fell apart. I wasn't able to work her consistently so our hard work kind of went out the window. Now that she's closer I'll have more time to spend with her. It's also the beginning of Summer so I will have most of the weekdays to spend with her. I decided to move her next week in case anything goes wrong with the transition I will be done with my school obligations so I can keep an eye on her. It won't go wrong though, nothing will. She's going to love it, her new horsey buddies will love her, & the other girl boarding will become a great new horsey friend! Positive thoughts! :) I'm really excited! It's bittersweet but I know it is HONESTLY what's best for her. She deserves & needs to space to run around... she was a WILD mustang after all. She's not accustomed to fences.

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