Friday, April 30, 2010

Trailer Drama

Well Cheyenne has no choice but to load nicely tomorrow. The woman hauling her just called me practically BEGGING for me to make sure Cheyenne loads super quickly. I've never had an issue with her (except UNLOADING, but by the time we get her home it won't be an issue) but she's only been hauled a small handful of times. The lady has a bad knee and is on painkillers which she can't take if she's going to be driving. So she needs to get home to take them ASAP tomorrow, meaning Cheyenne can't be a PITA about loading. UGH. MORE STRESS. I can't make promises for my horse, ask her! She's USUALLY good, but who the hell knows! I tried to promise her it would be fine the best I could without saying "I know for a FACT she'll load like a dream"... because I DON'T know that for a fact. At any rate, fingers crossed it will all go well. Say a prayer for us tomorrow, ugh.

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