Wednesday, May 5, 2010

50 Questions

50 Fun Questions

1. How old were you when you first started riding? 7 or 8, I know it was 2nd grade

2. First horse ridden: Aside from the occasional pony ride, it was Peppy during a summer horse came @ Devonwood Stables. That's where the addiction took hold. lol

3. First horse trotted on: Peppy

4. First horse cantered on: My guess would be Misty, an obscenely tolerant sorrel mare who was terrified of barrels.

5. First horse fallen off of: My guess would again by Misty, we had quite a few good falls during out time together.

6. Most recent horse fallen off of: Cheyenne, of course. She needs to learn trucks are not a thing to be feared. I need to learn not to buy junk off of ebay (such as bareback pads) just because it's cheap. Because that sucker slipped right around her belly the minute she spooked & off I went! Oops!

7. Most terrifying fall: On a 12 hand pony... can't remember her name. We were going over a jump and she just STOPPED and I went catapulting straight off her. Ouch!
8. First horse jumped with: Power.

9. First horse who ran away with you: Penny. Crazy pony.

10. First horse that scared the crap out of you: Hmmm when I was younger I never remember being scared, even when I should have! Most recently that I can recall Cheyenne! Or maybe Billy, he was BIG & not always the kindest beast.

11. First horse shown: Moose! A 30 something appy with a heart of gold.

12. First horse to win a class with: Moosey Moose again

13. Do you/have you taken lessons: Yes, on & off throughout my life. I've never been consistent enough with it to be any good at any one discipline. I wish I could take them now, but now I have a pony that eats dollar bills so it's just not in the budget.

14. First horse you ever rode bareback: Same pony that tossed me... gah! What was her name? She was so small you could just swing your leg... SUNNY! That was her name!... anyway you could just swing your leg over her & hang on to her mane & go!

15. First horse trail ridden with: Misty @ Kensington Farms.

16. Current Barn Name: I don't think it even has a name, LOL It's a smaller private barn.

17. Do you ride English or Western: Both & neither. LOL I guess I have more training in english, but I started Cheyenne in a western saddle.

19. Ever been to horse camp: Yup, that's where the horse crazy began. Bet my parent's are still regretting that decision.

20. Ever been to a riding clinic: Sort of, I went to the Extreme Mustang Makeover during a Lynn Palm clinic. Didn't see much of the clinic though. It's something I'd like to do one day.

21. Ridden sidesaddle: No

22. First horse leased: Raven... then I went out & bought my own the next month! lol

23. Last horse leased: Again, Raven. First and last. I got that horse bug in my brain & had to have my own!

25. Ever been to an “A” rated show?: Pffft I've been to a few local no-name shows when I was a kid. That's about it. Maybe one day... I'll keep dreaming.

Ever competed in pony games/relay races: No except at horsecamp

27. Ever fallen off at a show: Thankfully no, that would have been tramatic as a kid. I remember a girl who did though, she landed on the fence when her horse overshot a few ground poles by about 3 feet. OUCH!

28. Do you ride Hunters/Jumpers: Used to, that's what most of my lessons were in... but Lord knows I'm pretty clueless now.

29. Have you ever barrel raced: No, but that's where my heart it! I <3 to watch it & I'd love to make Cheyenne into a little barrel pony, even if it's just for fun.

30. Have you ever done pole bending: nope

31. Favorite gait: depends BIG time on the horse. Right now with Cheyenne, we enjoy walking. LOL

32. Ever cantered bareback: Not on purpose!

33. Have you ever done dressage: My first real lesson were dressage, but I quit because it was too boring & I wanted to jump! What can I say, I was 8! lol

34. Have you ever evented: Nope

35. Have you ever mucked a stall: You betcha, did it many summers. I hate horse people who have these fancy pants horses & can't get their hands dirty to much a darn stall. It's part of owning a horse!

36. Ever been bucked off: Suprisingly I can't remember a time. Been bucked? Yeah. Bucked OFF? Don't think so.

37. Ever been on a horse that reared: My own when she a was a young little booger! She never got too high though.

38. Horses or ponies: Well... Cheyenne is TECHNICALLY a pony... but I'm more of a "horse" person... ponies don't fit me very well.

39. Do you wear a helmet: 99.9% of the time. It's just a stupid risk not to. I put my seatbelt on when I'm in the car, and I put my helmet on when I'm on the horse.

40. What’s the highest you’ve jumped: Mmm probably around 2'6", nothing impressive.

41. Have you ever ridden at night: Yup, living in Florida you almost HAVE to in the summer.

42. Do you watch horsey television shows: Always the olympics, not much else though

43. Have you ever been seriously hurt/injured from a fall: *knock on wood* nothing serious yet!

44. Most falls in one lesson: On Misty when we first started jumping? Must've averaged at least 3-4 per lesson!

45. Do you ride in an arena/ring: Yup

46. Have you ever been trampled by a horse: Ack! No thank God!

47. Have you ever been bitten: Too many times! I've got a nice little bruise now from the butthead!

48. Ever had your foot stepped on by a horse: A handful of times, usually just because I wasnt paying close enough attention to where they were wandering

49. Favorite riding moment: The day I signed the adoption paperwork for my monster pony. There's no better feeling in the world then your first horse. Even when she is a wild mustang, and you're terrified of what you've gotten into, and you've got no support from your family for your decision... You know. lol I was so excited though, the second best moment had to be the first time I actually RODE her. I was SHOCKED how well she took to it! I had only planned on putting weight in the stirrups that day, and we ended up going to a ride!!

50. Most fun horse you’ve ridden: Hmmm... that's a tough call. Probably Duellan. A 17 hand warmblood I rode when I was like 10. Everything was so EASY on her. She did all the work & would clear anything you took her over. She was a trip, I miss that beast!


  1. A good set of questions... I might steal them for my blog if you don't mind.
